Monday, October 31, 2011

The Pinterest Challenge-Fall Edition

Yippe! It's back! The Pinterest Challenge!
What is this, you say? It is something started by my favorite blogs I follow, Sherry from Young House Love and Katie from Bower Power. It's a challenge to stop pinning (well, not really to STOP pinning) and start doing! If you are on Pinterest, you know what I'm talking about. It's that urge to pin every little think you love but then never actually do it. It took me a good two months to actually do anything I had pinned from Pinterest. There was a challenge back in the summer that I didn't participate in because I was busy starting a new job and wedding planning. I have, since then, done many projects that I pinned but I'm going to do something new and post about it! Katie and Sherry will be back this Wednesday to share their projects. I will say that mine will not be posted by then. I have to work the next three, possibly four, nights, so no projects for me until Thursday or Friday! I will shoot for posting this Sunday. But be sure to visit Katie over at Bower Power and Sherry at YHL to see the cool things I know they will do! You can also check out what other people are doing. (You can post your project on both of their sites!) So, what will I be doing? Honestly, I have no idea...yet! Since we are only 54!! days away from the most wonderful time of the year (Christmas, if you didn't know) I am really wanting to do something seasonal. But who knows? So here are a few things I have pinned that I am really (p)interested in doing.

(P)Inspiration found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here

So five of those are Christmas projects. I eventually want to do them all, but not sure if one of those will be my "Pinterest Challenge" project. One is a project that you take an ordinary photo and canvas and make it into something that looks customized. And the last three are hospital door wreaths/signs for a sweet baby boy or girl. One of my close friends is having a baby very soon and her shower that I'm helping with is in less than two weeks. I would love to surprise her with one of these! Crystal, if you're reading this, just pretend you didn't and act surprised! :)
I hope you will all join in the fun and do a project of your own! I'll be back with my project (hopefully) this Sunday!
Happy Monday!

My October Birchbox is Here!

This is a little late. I've been working so much lately, and the last thing I have had time for is blogging. I received my Birchbox in the mail mid-October.

If you aren't familiar with Birchbox, I suggest you become familiar with it. You can read more on their website but every month you receive a box of four-five deluxe beauty samples. You can choose between yearly and monthly subscription plans. The monthly plan is what I signed up for to get started, just to make sure I liked it. It's only $10 a month and it is so worth it! I can try new products for super cheap without making a commitment to it not knowing whether or not I love it yet! So, here is what I got in my October Birchbox.
First in my box was The Lash Card. These are cards that you place over your lid while putting on mascara so you won't get any on your already done eyeshadow. This really does seem like a good idea, at first. Then, you try to use it. Doesn't work very well. I think I got more mascara on my eyelids than I normally do with using these.
My opinion: Waste of money.
Second, was blinc Mascara in black. I will start off by saying I am very picky about mascara and I have tried almost everything out there. This mascara is just okay. Nothing special and it doesn't go on as think as I like it. I was actually thinking about buying this mascara, so I am so glad it came in my box.
My opinion: If you like a really natural look, you should try this, but if you like any drama at all, you probably won't like it.
Next up, Pangea Organics Facial Scrub. This is a facial scrub you use once you wash your make-up off. I had never heard of Pangea before, but I want to try more now. I love this stuff! It has a fresh, natural smell and it leaves your face feeling so soft!
My opinion: LOVE!
Next is AHAVA Mineral Foot Cream. One thing I can't stand is scratchy feet....gross! I use my pumice stone daily and have tried many foot creams. Most I have tried are super thick and don't have a clean smell. I can't say the same about this cream. It is the perfect consistency, not too thin, not too thick. It also has a very fresh and clean smell. I will definitely be purchasing this once I run out of my sample.
My opinion: Worth the money!
Last, but not least, is Oiudad Climate Control Heat and Humidity Gel. I can't tell you how to pronounce the name but I will tell you it is some good stuff. If you know me, you know I have hair that is pretty wavy. Definitely not straight and definitely not curly. I used this on a day when I didn't straighten my hair. I put only this product in and I really liked it. My hair wasn't frizzy and it put some shine into it.
My opinion: In the middle. I have my go-to products and it is hard for me to stray from them. I may have to purchase a small size of this stuff next summer to put it to the real test of Alabama heat and humidity.

So, have I convinced you, yet? I love my Birchbox subscription and I hope you will sign up too! It's only $10 and you can cancel anytime!

That's all for now! Have a wonderful day and Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


So. Let's talk about my favorite. website. ever. PINTEREST. If you don't know what it is, you're seriously missing out. Basically, it's a virtual pin board where you can save ideas that inspire you, Whether it's a new recipe, a cool DIY craft, a paint color, a fresh new outfit, how to style your hair a certain way, or just a funny quote, the possibilities are endless. It's really something you have a play around with for a little while to "get." It took me a couple of hours to figure it all out but once I did, my whole world changed forever. So when you go to the website, it will tell you that you need an invite to join. You can either request one on the main site or if someone you know has an account, they can send you an invite. Since I have an account, I would be more than happy to send you an invite if you want one. Just comment on this post with your e-mail address and I will send you an invite! :)

This list is very funny and so true. Once you join the world of Pinterest, you will understand every bullet on this list. :) (Image origiannly found here)

So get out there and start pinning your pinspiration people. Your world will never be the same.

Oh, you're welcome. :)

My First Time

Get your mind out of the gutter. I'm talking about my first time blogging. I'm a little new at this, but I decided it might be fun to add one more thing to my plate (as if I'm not busy enough). First of all, I know I've said before that I would never start a blog. But I thought it would be a good way to keep our family and friends up to date with what is going on in our lives. Also, I've recently become obsessed with reading and following blogs. I will have my favorites listed in the column on the right, if you're interested. Some of my favorites are ones that involve DIY crafts and home improvement. My husband and I just bought our first home so we have been doing lots of little things to improve our everyday life. We try to find ways to improve our home without breaking the budget. I get all my (p)inspiration from blogs and of course, my new-found love, Pinterest. What is that? You don't know what Pinterest is? Well, more on that later. So we try to do projects that are cheap but don't look cheap. I'll be sharing those projects with you, along with big projects we have on our to-do list but haven't made it on the "done it" list quite yet. I'll also be sharing little tidbits about our life that you may or may not care about. But, it's my blog, so I can write about whatever I want. :)
So that was it. My first time. It didn't last very long (seriously, get out of the gutter), but I'm glad I broke the ice. Have a fabulous day and I'll have more to come soon! :)