What is this, you say? It is something started by my favorite blogs I follow, Sherry from Young House Love and Katie from Bower Power. It's a challenge to stop pinning (well, not really to STOP pinning) and start doing! If you are on Pinterest, you know what I'm talking about. It's that urge to pin every little think you love but then never actually do it. It took me a good two months to actually do anything I had pinned from Pinterest. There was a challenge back in the summer that I didn't participate in because I was busy starting a new job and wedding planning. I have, since then, done many projects that I pinned but I'm going to do something new and post about it! Katie and Sherry will be back this Wednesday to share their projects. I will say that mine will not be posted by then. I have to work the next three, possibly four, nights, so no projects for me until Thursday or Friday! I will shoot for posting this Sunday. But be sure to visit Katie over at Bower Power and Sherry at YHL to see the cool things I know they will do! You can also check out what other people are doing. (You can post your project on both of their sites!) So, what will I be doing? Honestly, I have no idea...yet! Since we are only 54!! days away from the most wonderful time of the year (Christmas, if you didn't know) I am really wanting to do something seasonal. But who knows? So here are a few things I have pinned that I am really (p)interested in doing.
So five of those are Christmas projects. I eventually want to do them all, but not sure if one of those will be my "Pinterest Challenge" project. One is a project that you take an ordinary photo and canvas and make it into something that looks customized. And the last three are hospital door wreaths/signs for a sweet baby boy or girl. One of my close friends is having a baby very soon and her shower that I'm helping with is in less than two weeks. I would love to surprise her with one of these! Crystal, if you're reading this, just pretend you didn't and act surprised! :)
I hope you will all join in the fun and do a project of your own! I'll be back with my project (hopefully) this Sunday!
Happy Monday!